Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"Trashy Art"

"Trashy Art" introduces us to Steve Bradley, a resident of a Baltimore suburb, who has taken an innovative approach to trash collecting, recycling, and art. In the article Bradley discusses the differences between the Korean and United States' cultures and lifestyles in regards to how each uses, re-uses, and recycles materials. He notes that in Korea "nothing is wasted" (67).

Can you think of any solutions to the growing trash problem that Bradley discusses in the article?
Can you think of any innovative ways to promote recycling in your community, or ways in which we can re-use products or materials that we generally throw away?

You could create an informative pamphlet about the environmental benefits of recycling, also including ways in which people can re-use some common household items.
You could also write a feature article about another country/ culture, discussing the ways in which they approach recycling and/ or re-use materials. You could suggest ways in which we could learn from these other cultures or countries and adopt some of their solutions/ practices.

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